I wanted to test out some of my ideas about ‘The Nature of the Screen’ as outlined in the Development Notes – from Paper on iPad Pro post. How do the group respond to and interact with the screens when their used in different ways?
Author archives: Lewis Sykes
Development Notes – from Paper on iPad Pro
Using Paper on my new iPad Pro I worked up some notes and sketches to try and capture and develop my thinking which I’ve since reorganised and lightly edited here. I subsequently discussed key concepts – such as ‘Screen Types’ – with Andy Williams.
Touch:See:Hear – Demo 1
Through developing a series of ‘demo’ sketches in openFrameworks I’ve been: initially investigating the LEVEL Centre media room’s current infrastructure of four projectors, four wall mounted speakers, traditional stage lighting of spots and floods and wired and wireless Intranet; and testing various hardware configurations to optimise for video + audio; as well as ‘rapid prototyping’ …
A brief conversation with Gawain Hewitt…
Having attended the the Drake Music Innovation Lab North at MadLab on 26th October ’15, I thought I’d touch base with Gawain Hewitt, Associate National Manager – Research and Development at Drake Music and seek his input. A brief conversation with Gawain (he was on a train at the time!) in mid-January ’16 pointed me …
Fact Finding Visit to the LEVEL Centre – 12-01-16
Rough notes and impressions from a visit to LEVEL and meeting with its Director, Andy Williams on 12-01-16.
Qualitative Spatial Reasoning and Representation – discussions with John Stell
I met John Stell, a computer scientist from University of Leeds http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/jgs/, via a session at MIRIAD in early December 2015. John was interested in the possibility of some kind of collaboration with artists and designers around the area of qualitative spatial thinking.
Aims, Objectives and Development Opportunities
Relevant extracts from Lewis’ initial Expression of Interest and AHRC Cultural Engagement Fund proposal. 6. Project aims and fit with institutional strategy: Please refer to the scheme details. The scheme seeks to support engagement and knowledge exchange between the university’s arts & humanities research and its wider cultural and civil milieu.
Project Concepts
From Lewis’ summary of a telephone discussion with Andy Williams in early October 2015 (following an introduction by Dr. Toby Heys and a couple of subsequent email exchanges). Although too extensive to include in much detail within the final proposal submitted to the AHRC, it outlines a shared understanding and ‘broad brushstroke’ working approach to …